
Triggerfish - What is a triggerfish


Turtles' food fight


The Charming Carangidae Fish Profile

  What is a Carangidae fish? The Carangidae fish are in the order Perciformes, and are commonly known as jacks, pompanos, trevallies, and scads ( It is a diverse group of marine fish that belong to the family Carangidae. They are found throughout the world, ranging from coastal waters to the deeper sections of the ocean. Some species also venture into brackish and even fresh waters. For example, the Bigeye Crevalle Jack (Caranx sexfasciatus), is sometimes encountered in brackish estuaries or in freshwater. They are known for their fast swimming abilities and are often highly migratory. Carangidae fish are typically found in warm coastal and offshore waters around the world. Some species are solitary, while others form schools or shoals. The minimum  lighting illumination range  for fish is below 10–2 lux. Fish with strong phototaxis are also the species with strong aggregation, including Carangidae fish. Carangidae species are recognized for their streamlined, powerful b

A special arowana fish - cool green golden

Arowanas are freshwater bony fish, coming from the Osteoglossidae family. In the wild, they prefer slow-moving, warm, and acidic waters. Generally, they can live up to 10–15 years. Let’s learn about how to take care of arowana fish .

The real discus fish tank video shoot

Tips:  Discus are popular tropical freshwater fish. They fancy warm and soft water. Nevertheless, discus fish is not an easy one to keep in aquariums. They are highly demanding water conditions. Tips to take good care of discus fish . 

The Green Algae Tank

Although some algae may bring a negative impact on your tank, or limit the growth of aquatic plants, some algae also can enhance the ornamental value of an aquarium and be a food source for cute fish. Decorate the tank with green algae now.