The Charming Carangidae Fish Profile

 What is a Carangidae fish?

The Carangidae fish are in the order Perciformes, and are commonly known as jacks, pompanos, trevallies, and scads ( It is a diverse group of marine fish that belong to the family Carangidae.

They are found throughout the world, ranging from coastal waters to the deeper sections of the ocean. Some species also venture into brackish and even fresh waters. For example, the Bigeye Crevalle Jack (Caranx sexfasciatus), is sometimes encountered in brackish estuaries or in freshwater.

They are known for their fast swimming abilities and are often highly migratory. Carangidae fish are typically found in warm coastal and offshore waters around the world. Some species are solitary, while others form schools or shoals.

The minimum lighting illumination range for fish is below 10–2 lux. Fish with strong phototaxis are also the species with strong aggregation, including Carangidae fish.

Carangidae species are recognized for their streamlined, powerful bodies and their ability to swim fast. Many of them are known for their sporting.

Carangidae fish characters

Here are a few key characteristics of the Carangidae fish:

Size: Carangidae fish vary greatly in size, with some species growing quite large, reaching lengths of several feet or growing up to 1 meter in length, while others remain small measuring only a few inches in length throughout their lives.

Shape: They have a variety of body shapes, ranging from slender to more robust forms. They typically have a thin, deep body that’s much narrower from the side view compared to the top view, which is well-suited for fast swimming in open waters and making them highly aerodynamic swimmers.

Coloration: Many Carangidae are silver or grey in color which helps them blend into their surroundings, although some species may have yellow, green, and blue hues, or have distinct patterns or markings on their bodies. Interestingly, the coloration can also change according to the fish’s environment or mood.

Diet: Carangidae fish are opportunistic predators and use their speed and agility to chase and capture prey. They are carnivorous, a variety of smaller fish, crustaceans, cephalopods, and plankton are all in their diet sheet.

Fins: Most of the Carangidae fish have two dorsal fins, with the first dorsal fin usually having spines. The anal fin is generally long and extends almost the entire length of the body. The tail fin can aid in their swimming abilities by being deeply forked.

Mouth and Teeth: Most Carangidae fish have a protractile mouth, which means their mouth can extend forward to capture prey. They typically have sharp teeth, including canines, that are adapted for capturing and holding onto their prey.

Reproduction: Carangidae are usually pelagic spawners, releasing their eggs into the water column where they are fertilized and then float freely.

Brackish Carangidae fish

Many Carangidae species are important for commercial fisheries and are also popular among recreational anglers. Some of the most popular species include Yellowtail, Giant Trevally, and the various types of Pompano.

It’s important to note that the Carangidae family is quite diverse, with numerous species exhibiting variations in these characteristics. Therefore, specific features and behaviors may vary among different species within the family. Now, do you know the name of the Carangidae fish that have 8 dorsal fins and swim like fireworks in the blackwater?


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